Pop Up Store with Iná Nigeria

Take a peek at and have your pick of some of the coolest clothes on racks for the best price anywhere. Mbari Uno invites you to this collaborative pop up store with Ina Nigeria featuring the Peppersoup Factory.

Other side attractions are:
-Photo Boot
-Shirt Art
-Finger Foods and Drinks

INÁ is a tripartite brand; A styling and image consultancy place, a fashion house, and a thrift store. Launched their debut line “the xklahaim series” in 2017 which was featured in the Lagos urban fashion show, the same year, and was chosen among myriad other brands that showcased to represent Nigeria in Paris urban fashion weekend in the SHAKO capsule initiative in 2018.

INÁ as a stylist brand is aimed at making everyone a star that they are by working up their image be it for documentation or lifestyle as their strongest mantra is that “everybody is a star”. INÁ has served many individuals nationwide “celebrities “ and reserved “stars” alike, equipping them with the required information and material to achieve their desired image.

Date: 19th September 2020
Time: 10 am
Venue: The ShowRoom, Mbari Uno (House of Collaboration)