Due Diligence III: Forecasting Your Business Success

This is the third and final class in the Business clinic seriees brought to us by Jorge Haus Academy- a subsidiary of the Jorge Haus Consulting Limited. Jorge Haus Academy is an online resource for startup founders. In this Academy, you will get access to trusted Methodologies, Start-up Tools and the latest industry insights that will get your business off the ground and ensure it thrives. A series of four courses created for the entrepreneur who wants to ensure success, this workshop will delve into the first two courses in the module- Learn Before You Start & Packaging Your Business Ideas

Jorge Haus Academy is committed to helping you enhance your capabilities by providing knowledge and expertise that will empower you to successfully start & eventually grow a business empire. Business insiders will pass on wisdom earned over the course of their careers as they have built companies, invested in startups, and raise capital for their ventures.


-Startup Entrepreneurs
-New Business Owners
-Business Strategists and Developers
-Business Executives

Date: 20th-21st May, 2021
Address: 10C Ladoke Akintola, Ikeja G.R.A., Lagos.
 10 am prompt

*Lunch available. Attendance by registration only.