Doctor No Dey – Makoko


Makoko is a community seen from the 3rd Mainland Bridge located on the coast of mainland Lagos. A large part of the community is built on stilts along the lagoon and the rest is on the land. The waterfront part of the community is largely harboured by the Egun people who migrated from Badagary and Republic of Benin and whose main occupation is fishing. In July 2012, the Lagos State government ordered that some of the stilts beyond the power-lines be brought down without proper notice. This led to the destruction of several stilts on the Iwaya/Makoko waterfront and many families were rendered homeless.

Doctor No Dey is a pidgin colloquial phrase that simply translates to ‘The Doctor is absent’. It is a Remote Communities First Aid Training project developed by Mbari Uno in partnership with Aid 2 Aid International. The project seeks to enlighten community members on first response techniques to emergency situations. The overall goal is to drastically reduce mortality rates caused by lack of First Aid knowledge.

9th February 2019.

Area of Offering:

Target Group:
Remote communities that lack adequate health facilities and those that are long distances away from standard hospitals.

Makoko, Lagos State, Nigeria.