Design and Law with Raphael Anagbado and DJ Sose

Issues In The Nigerian Music Industry And The Role of The Law

A highly profitable venture, the Nigerian entertainment scene is more active than it has ever been. Emerging Artistes and established ones are faced with legal issues arising from contract agreements they made as amateurs. This workshop is a headstart for music enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, upcoming and established artistes who are looking to attain success in the Nigerian Music Industry. With the legal knowledge of our facilitator and the industry experience of our guest, this is not a workshop worth missing.

Workshop Touchpoints
1. Music Copyright
2. Partnerships
3. Music Contracts
4. Music Distribution/Merchandizing
5. Music Regulation
6. Music Taxation
7. Fair usage and application of referenced works of other artistes
8. All other things a budding Artiste needs to know from a legal point of view

Raphael Anagbado Dip. Law, LLB, BL, LLM, ACIArd ( Partner, Assist Law)
Raphael Anagbado is a legal practitioner based in Lagos and Partner, Assist Law. He is an experienced Litigator and Contracts Specialist, with a strong bias for Entertainment Law practice. He has in-depth knowledge in the workings of the Nigerian music industry and a Researcher in the area of Music Law. He holds a Diploma in Law, LLB, BL degrees and an LLM degree from Swansea University, UK.

Dj Sose – The Tattooed Faced Dj
Born to a musically gifted Nigerian Father and a Hungarian mother, Dj Sose’s life became immersed with music right from childhood. He embraced the sounds of music and began thinking of ways to ensure that music would play a pivotal role in his life even then. However, it was never just one genre that managed to intrigue the ‘Tattooed faced Dj’. From the diverse range of music surrounding him, Sose became captivated by sounds from afro beats, to classical, to jazz, to hip hop, to rock, to EDM and the list goes on.

Besides playing popular commercial or contemporary music, Sose is no musical snob. If the track is good, he’ll play it. He has lived abroad, mainly in the UK for 14 years, and while he was there he got a degree in business information systems, a diploma in film & video production and managed several music projects allowing his dream to materialize by turning his passion into a profession and has helped others reach their path of self-realization within the music industry.

Date: Wednesday. 11th December 2019
Address: 10C Ladoke Akintola, Ikeja G.R.A., Lagos.
Time: 12 pm prompt

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