A Transforming Humanity with Adora Neboh


The digital world and forces of change (with the latest being COVID-19) affecting work today means no one can accurately predict the future. When work changes, it forces the workplace and workforce to change too. A lot has been said about the place of humans in a world characterized by rapid technological changes. If humans aren’t secondary labor, then what will it mean to be human in the future world of work? How should organizations compose and transform themselves to define their place of work, how work is done and the people they need to get work done for value, efficiency, and meaning?

Join Adora Neboh to discuss these.

Who Should Attend?
– Entrepreneurs
– Job Seekers
– HR Professionals
– Tech Enthusiasts
– Digital Experts
– Start-Up Representatives
– Students & Graduates
– Designers & Design Enthusiasts
– CEOs, COOs, Business Managers and Decision Makers

Adora Neboh is an Organizational Transformation and Design Leader, speaker, and consultant. She has a career spanning corporate strategy, business advisory, organization transformations, and set-up and talent strategy. Adora is currently CEO, Chrysalis Consulting Limited, Boston Massachusetts and former Chief talent officer, Troyka Group Nigeria.

Date: Wednesday 29th July, 2020
Time: 6:00 pm
Registe HERE to attend.