Founded in 1997, Wetpaint is turning 22 in 2019. They are a tight-knit team of creative strategists who value quality over quantity. Wetpaint is a new breed of Agency in the age of the connected consumer. With the blurring of channels and devices, the old siloed days have gone. Wetpaint works across all mediums without preference or prejudice, delivering strategy and execution via all channels that brings you closer to your target market than ever before. By combining data analytics, creativity & technology, they build and develop unique strategies with specific solutions in mind. With measurable targets and KPI’s set on every campaign, clients objectives are aligned and delivered.
With a solid foundation in South Africa, they have been active in 14 African countries.
Directory Details:
Name: Wetpaint
Category: Advertising
Country: South Africa
Website: www.wetpaint.co.za