AMWA Designs

Established in 2014, AMWA Designs goes beyond design for its own sake. AMWA Designs creates handmade textiles and print designs for the home. Its designs are underpinned by the beauty and integrity in great craftsmanship. It is built on the principle that our homes and private spaces should be enveloped with beautiful furnishings that evoke powerful and positive thoughts within us. The Adinkra symbols and proverbs of Ghana form the inspiration. The symbols serve a decorative function, but also convey traditional wisdoms and adages.

AMWA Designs speaks to a contemporary generation whose lifestyle is forward thinking. The meanings of Adinkra are timeless and transcend all cultures. AMWA Designs sees them as motivation for 21st century living. “If our beings are nurtured in environments filled with wisdoms that promote positivity, upon exiting our homes and stepping out into the world every day – by the power of symbolic osmosis – we all share the opportunity to walk each step with intended harmony”.

Directory Details:

Name: AMWA Designs
Category: Interior Design
Country: Ghana